Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of The Slidebroker image by John Hill.
John Hill started shooting railfan photos as a kid about 1968, and continued until about 1989. About 2005 he got his first digital camera, which got him fired up to take pictures again. Most of the shots are in the Twin Cities Minnesota area, plus a few trips to outstate MN and even fewer trips to other states and Canada.
Photos dated in the 1970s or 1990s were scanned from slides or negatives. Actual dates were not recorded but are estimated from processing dates stamped on the slides. Photos from the 2000s and beyond are digital and use the date stamp from the camera.
Corrections or other commentary are always welcome. Thanks for indulging.
The John Hill collection is now part of The Slidebroker Collection. There are over 300000 slides in the Slidebroker Collection and these images from John Hill enhances the Slidebroker collection. Coverage is much the same and covers the same time period and locations as what I shot. John has a different perspective than what I took being a Kodachrome Slide with Kodak Processing and the sun behind the camera shooter. If you have any questions please ask. Several of these original slides are available for purchase along with others as I do not need two of the same view. I am always looking for more slides to purchase of railroad, bus and airline subjects. I can also be a good home for all timetables and books. I am located in the Minneapolis and St Paul Minnesota area so if you have items to sell or trade send me a message.
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!